Friday, November 05, 2004

The will to succeed

The will to succeed

By Bob Garon
TODAY Newspaper
Thursday, November 4, 2004 11:46 PM

I often meet people who tell me they can’t stop smoking. I have to smile because I know they can if only they want it enough. To put the point across, I ask them if they would stop if a sniper was committed to shooting them down the next time they light up. Every single person assures me that under these circumstances, they surely would never light up again.

When it is a matter of life and death, it is amazing what we can do. When the stakes are high and we are shoved against the wall and our options are drastically reduced, we surprise ourselves with the stamina and the determination that seems to rise up from our inner selves.

Edgar Roberts had some inspiring words for those of us who doubt our ability to do the difficult. “Every human mind is a great slumbering power until awakened by a keen desire and definite resolution to do.”

When I see little kids, I can’t help but think about what they will become when they grow up. Will this one become a general, or a successful lawyer? Will that one make a significant mark on our society? You never know if the child facing you has the mark of destiny etched on his forehead.

One thing is sure, the kids of today will lead the world tomorrow. The path they choose will determine their future happiness and success. We need to train our children to be bold and courageous. We need to teach them to commit to little things, small projects that we know they can handle and will raise their self-esteem.

Success can become a habit if it is repeated often enough. Kids get that inner confidence that they can win when they succeed at little things.

Failure can also become a habit. It can kill initiative early on in life if it happens too often.

The way to avoid failure is to instill in our young ones a fighting spirit, a will to succeed that urges them on even when things are going against them. We must teach them persistence in the midst of hardship, because persistence can pull success out of impending defeat. Persistence can win when the odds are stacked against you.

Persistence can overcome the lack of talent. It is the stuff of which victorious underdogs are made.

David Ambrose said it well: “If you have the will to win, you have achieved half your success; if you don’t, you have achieved half your failure.”

When you make a strong commitment to succeed, all kinds of good things happen to help you along. People who might hesitate to help you get convinced by your steely determination. You make believers of them and they will help you along. Your commitment will create opportunities that will surprise you and urge you to do even more.


If you have problems about drugs, alcohol and behavior/attitude call my office at 8206107 or 8251771 or, e-mail me at or write me at P.O. Box 2099 MCPO, Makati City


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